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  • Was gehört zu einer guten Wanderausrüstung?  What is part of good hiking equipment?  Qu'est-ce qui fait partie d'un bon équipement de randonnée?
    - Wanderschuhe mit gutem Profil - Bequemer Rucksack - Mind. 1.5 Liter Wasser pro Person - Regenjacke (auch bei Sonnenschein) - Sonnenschutz - Snacks (Nussmischungen, Energieriegel, Dörrobst) - ID - Handy - Bargeld - Notfallapotheke - Walking shoes with a good profile - Comfortable backpack - At least 1.5 liters of water per person - rain jacket (even in sunshine) - sun protection - Snacks (nut mixes, energy bars, dried fruit) - ID - Mobile phone - Cash - emergency pharmacy - Chaussures de marche avec un bon profil - Sac à dos confortable - Au moins 1,5 litre d'eau par personne - veste de pluie (même au soleil) - protection solaire - Snacks (mélanges de noix, barres énergétiques, fruits secs) - ID - Téléphone portable - Cash - pharmacie d'urgence
  • Wie lange dauert eine Wandertour? How long does a hiking tour take? Combien de temps dure une randonnée?
    Die angegebene Tourdauer ist nicht reine Wanderzeit und enthält: - Anreise zum Startpunkt mit Bus, Gondel, u.s.w. - Mittagspause - Fotostops Die Tourdauer kann varrieren (Gruppengrösse, Gruppenniveau, Wetterbedingungen, Wartezeiten an Gondelstationen) The stated tour duration is not pure hiking time and includes: - Arrival to the starting point by bus, gondola, etc. - Lunch break - Photo stops The tour duration can vary (group size, group level, weather conditions, waiting times at gondola stations) La durée de visite indiquée n'est pas un pur temps de randonnée et comprend: - Arrivée au point de départ en bus, télécabine, etc. - Pause déjeuner - Pause pour photos La durée de la visite peut varier (taille du groupe, niveau du groupe, conditions météorologiques, temps d'attente aux stations de gondole)
  • Was ist in einer Tour inbegriffen? What is included in a tour? Qu'est-ce qui est inclus dans un tour?
    - Touren - Planung und Organisation - Wanderleitung in Deutsch, Englisch und Französisch Nicht inbegriffen: - Tickets für öffentliche Verkehrsmittel (Bus, Gondel ,u.s.w) - Materialmiete (Klettergurt, Helm, u.s.w.) - Verpflegung (Ausnahme: Lunch-Paket wurde gebucht) - Tour planning and organization - Hiking guide in German, English and French Not included: - Tickets for public transport (bus, gondola, etc.) - Equipment rental (climbing harness, helmet, etc.) - Meals (exception: lunch package was booked) - Planification et organisation - Guide de randonnée en allemand, anglais et français Non inclus: - Billets pour les transports publics (bus, télécabine, etc.) - Location de matériel (harnais d'escalade, casque, etc.) - Repas (exception: forfait déjeuner réservé)
  • Welche Zahlungsmethoden stehen mir zur Verfügung? What payment methods are available? Quelles méthodes de paiement sont disponibles pour moi?
    Die Zahlung erfolgt vor Ort in Bar, vor dem Tourenstart, in Schweizer Franken. Payment is made on site in cash, before the tour starts, in Swiss francs. Le paiement s'effectue sur place en espèces, avant le début de la tour, en francs suisses.


1. Registration and payment


Registrations can be made by phone or electronically and will be confirmed in writing. Payment is made on site in cash before the start of the hike. Tickets for public transport (bus, gondola, train) are NOT included in the price. The cost of equipment rental (harness, helmet, hiking boots, etc.) is NOT included in the price.



2. Flat rate


The prices are per person in Swiss francs. The price includes tour organization and management.

Tickets for public transport (bus, gondola, train) are NOT included in the price. The cost of equipment rental (harness, helmet, hiking shoes, etc. are NOT included in the price. Food must be brought along unless an additional packed lunch has been booked.



3.1 Cancellation policy


The deregistration of one or more participants involves administrative effort and must be done by phone. The following costs will be charged to cover my expenses:

Up to 5 days before the tour: Free

0-4 days before the tour: The whole amount will be charged.

The key date is the first working day after receipt of the cancellation.

Instead of a cancellation, a replacement person can start the tour under the existing contractual conditions. If you cancel or interrupt a tour prematurely, there will be no refund.





In special circumstances (eg force majeure, bad weather conditions, etc.) that prevent implementation, sharednatventures can withdraw from the contract at short notice. In this case you are entitled to reimbursement of payments already made. Further claims are excluded.



4. Program changes


Staying in the mountains during a thunderstorm is dangerous. Also in your interest I reserve the right to make extensive changes to the program and other services (e.g. booked additional packages, means of transport). I endeavor to offer you equivalent replacement services wherever possible. By registering, you agree to any program changes. The tour guide reserves the right to change the program on the go. If the tour has to be stopped early due to a sudden change in the weather, you have the following claims:

Tour is canceled before half time: 100% of the amount paid

Tour is canceled after half time: 50% of the amount paid

The tour manager decides when and whether a tour has to be stopped prematurely.



5. Complaints


If the services provided do not correspond to the description, please contact me immediately.



6. Insurance


The arrangements do NOT include insurance coverage. Accident insurance including mountain risks and rescue costs is the responsibility of the participants and is strongly recommended.



7. Liability and compensation


I offer you the greatest possible security; nevertheless, a residual risk can never be completely excluded. With the booking you expressly acknowledge this fact and waive any claims for damages or other liability. No liability is accepted for accidents, damage or loss of equipment.



8. General Rules


For your safety, the instructions of the tour guide must always be followed. Disrespectful, aggressive and / or discriminatory behavior towards other participants and the tour guide will not be tolerated. Violation of this rule will result in immediate exclusion from the group with no right to a refund. Littering will not be tolerated and will result in immediate exclusion from the group without the right to a refund.

Children and adolescents under 16 years of age may only participate if accompanied by an adult.

Youngsters under the age of 18 need a written permission from a parent to take part in a tour. Carrying dogs is generally not possible.


9. Applicable law, place of jurisdiction


The contractual relationships between you and are subject to Swiss law.

June 2020


Copyright Shared Natventures 2020

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